The Translating Shuttle Foil Process

Inexhaustible Amounts of Clean Energy Are in Earth's Rivers, Oceans and Winds

And TSF variants can harvest from all of them and be installed anywhere on earth. TSF variants harvest in any velocity wind, in any river flow, in any tidal flow, even in any ocean current and make electricity for circa 1 (one) cent per kWh!

TSF Systems Use Sails/Foils/Wings to Harvest Clean Kinetic Energy

As long as the earth turns, there will be ocean currents. As long as the moon orbits the earth, there will be tidal flows. As long as the sun shines, there will be weather and precipitation which feeds rivers. These energy sources are literally endless and TSF will be able to harvest from all these sources.

TSF Hydrokinetic Variant Harvesting Process

The TSF hydrokinetic variants build upon history’s greatest inventor artist, Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Reaction Ferry’ approach. Like da Vinci’s reaction ferry, our TSF versions slowly shuttle back and forth across the flow, in the process, harvest kinetic energy for conversion to electricity. The TSF shuttling action pulls on a set of wire rope cable loops which turn generators located on shore (or on installed barges when used in ocean currents).  This simple process makes it possible to make contact with extreme amounts of kinetic energy contained in flowing water — without harm to even the largest marine mammals!  The TSF family of variants gives all people of the world the means with which to harvest endless clean kinetic energy from any grade level flowing water; that in itself is revolutionary and TSF can do that in all countries and in all oceans, for extremely low cost.

Translating Shuttle Foil Wind Systems

TSF wind systems are ideally suited for operation in valleys which have bi-directional wind flows. TSF open area systems will require additional TSF systems installed which more closely face the variable wind direction.

The World Needs The TSF Approach ASAP!

All TSF variants are based on the core operating principles of the common sailboat and the common Reaction Ferry — the TSF approach is not only revolutionary, it is disruptive! And the fossil fuel industry, the nuclear power industry, even the conventional wind and hydro power providers DO NOT want TSF variants to see the light of day — and that’s is why we NEED your help. Your help will give us the means with which to build TSF scaled landscape level demonstration systems, this to show the world just how simple it is to produce all the (CLEAN CHEAP) energy the world will ever need right within your country!

Our patents are issued.

Check out the NASA Global Climate Change website:

shuttle foil energy, alternative energy sources wind